Our Ministry

Why We Do What We Do

We mentor moms and dads to help break generational cycles of destructive behavior and keep families intact.
We do it because Jesus asks us to.

Who We Are:

FaithBuilders, Inc. walks the talk.
We do the hard work in the hard places day in and day out to make a critical difference in the lives of kids and their parents.

Who We Serve

FaithBuilders, Inc., serves a culturally diverse population and is willing to walk with children and their families
as long as we are needed.


everything we do is centered around being the hands and
feet of Jesus


we strive for consistency and reliability in all areas of ministry


with the medical community and adheres to medical policy and suggestions

Financially Responsible

and privately financed, accountable and transparent

A Hands-On Ministry

working deep in the trenches
with hurting children and
their families


to walk with children and their families as long as we’re needed


on a strong base of volunteers that are very dedicated to the work we do

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

-Winston Churchill

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

-Winston Churchill